

Sikihor, Philippines

The world rushes by, everything changes into a blur. As life turns into seconds, I am falling.

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A small path leads up to this beautiful little waterfall. There is nobody there, the only sound is made by the clattering water and the zooming mosquito’s. It is one of those places you just sit down, relax and let the beautiful environment come to you. Until suddenly two kids appear out of nowhere. Giggling loudly as kids often do coming across somebody as white as me. Then, they set off. Sure footed, as those used to growing up at the mountains, they quickly climb the straight up cliff. Within moments they reach the top of the waterfall using the gaps in the rock and roots growing down. They continue to their favorite jumping spot, easily 26 feet above the surface. With a big smile and a little hesitation one after the other jumps down showing off their bravery for me.

The pictures shows the kid jumping down, with the waterfall rushing by behind him.